Editorial Team

Dr. Christopher Ddamulira (Ph.D.)
  • A senior Scientist, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST)
  • Email: christopher.ddamulira@sjhresearchafrica.org

Dr. Daniel Bwogere (MD, Ph.D.)

  • Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences - University of Kisubi.
  • Email: daniel.bwogere@sjhresearchafrica.org

Dr. Christopher Waako (MD. MSc)

  • General Practitioner at Mulago National Referral Hospital. 
  • Senior Lecturer- Clarke International University
  • Email: cwaako@ciu.ac.ug

Ms. Jane Kasozi Namagga ( MNSc, BNS, RN)

  • Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine- Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
  • Email: jkasozi@must.ac.ug

Mr. Ndhego Ramadhan (Msc)

  • Principal, Department of Laboratory Sciences - St. Elizabeth’s Institute of Health Professionals.
  • Email: ramadhan.ndhego@sjhresearchafrica.org

Mr. Arthur Namara (MSc)

  • Research Scientist, MRC/UVRI, and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit.
  • Email: Arthur.Namara@mrcuganda.org
Ms. Jemimah kyeyune (MSc)
  • Lecturer at the Institute of Public Health and Management-Clarke International University
  • Email: jkyeyune@ciu.ac.ug

Ms. Atukunda Patience Jaffu (MSc)

  • Head of Department of Informatics and Statistics at Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research and Education Institute(ECUREI)
  • Part-time lecturer at the Institute of Public Health and Management, Clarke International University.

Dr. Twalib J. Nzanzu (Ph.D)

  • Assistant Director Graduate School and Research, Kampala University
  • Email: twalibun@gmail.com

Mr. Brian Bukenya (MPEC) - The University of Manchester, UK

  • Lecturer, Team University
  • Email: brianbukenya.m@gmail.com

Ms. Regina Ndagire (MSc)

  • Research Officer- Clarke International University
  • A Research Fellow with Africa Center for Systematic Reviews and Knowledge Translation, Makerere University.
  • Email: rndagire@ciu.ac.ug

Mr. Akugizibwe Pardon (BSc.Educ, MPH, PGD HPE, MA. Educ Mgt)

  • Lecturer of Public Health-Clarke International University.
  • Email: pakugizibwe@ciu.ac.ug

Dr. Dathan Mirembe Byonanebye (MD, Msc)

  • Lecturer, College of Health Sciences, Makerere University
  • Email:  dbyonanebye@musph.ac.ug

Section of Health Systems Research

  • Mr. David Livingstone Ejalu (MSc)
  • Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Uganda Martyrs University
  • Email: david.ejalu@sjpublisher.org

Ethics review committee members

  • Dr. Geofrey Kimbugwe (MD)
  • Head Research Compliance and Quality Assurance- MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit.
  • Email: Geofrey.Kimbugwe@mrcuganda.org

Mr. Sulaiman Mahmood Kakooza (Ph.D. Fellow)

  • Lecturer- Health Tutor's College, Makerere University.
  • Email: sulaiman.kakooza@sjhresearchafrica.org

Ms. Josephine Namigadde (MSc)

  • Editor- Journal Coordinator
  • Email: josephine.namigadde@sjhresearchafrica.org

Advisory Committee Members

Prof. Andrew P. Yiga.

  • Former Academic Registrar- Nkumba University

Professor A. J. Lutalo-Bosa, BSc(Lond); MSc, Ph.D. (McGill)

  • Vice-Chancellor, Team University

Professor Maud Kamatenesi Mugisha (Ph.D.)

  • Vice-Chancellor, Bishop Stuart University

Professor Michael Kawooya (Ph.D.)

  • Deputy Principal, Ernest Cook Ultrasound Research and Education Institute, (ECUREI)

Dr. Nixon Niyonzima (MD, Ph.D.)

  • Email: Nixon.niyonzima@uci.or.ug 
  • Head of Research and Training Directorate, Uganda Cancer Institute.